A Journey of a Thousand Miles…

…begins at home. This blog will follow Josh and me on what is turning out to be a spontaneous trip around the world.

We really didn’t plan this more than 2 months in advance. One day I said, “Josh do you want to live in Bamberg for a while?”

And Josh said yes.

Living in Bamberg has been a strong desire of mine since first visiting about 5 years ago. I fell in love instantly as the town made me feel peaceful and of course–the BEER. Oh the beer!

All in all we will be traveling for almost a year. We leave May 27, 2009.

We start with 3 months in Europe (mostly Bamberg, Franconia), a few weeks in North Africa (Tunisia), and about 5 months in Vietnam (plus side trips to Cambodia and Laos) before heading to Vancouver-Seattle-Portland.

En route to Bamberg we will be stopping in Dublin, Paris, and Brussels, where we will be attending one of the beer festivals of my dreams: The Weekend of Spontaneous Fermentation. That means two days of traditional lambics, drunk in their region of origin Payottenland on May 30 and 31. Then we spend one day in Brugges before taking an overnight bus to Nuremberg, where we will transfer immediately to a train to Amberg.

Amberg is the starting point for our virgin sojourn into the land of Zoigl! Ever since reading about Zoigl on Fred Waltman’s enormously helpful and thorough compendium beer guide (http://www.franconiabeerguide.com/) I have dreamed of doing this. Can’t tell you how excited I am about all this.

Josh is a more experienced blogger than I, so expect most of the entries to be his. However, I hope to contribute a few tweets here and there. The blog should offer something for everyone: short reads and photos for the concentration-challenged and longer posts for people who have time. Non-beer lovers might find a little to chew on in between the beer porn.

Oh, I want to give this blog its own Facebook page, so that Facebook users can receive tidbits, photos, and links to the blog posts in their live news feed.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Todd says:

    How exciting. Have a funfilled and safe trip. I’m hoping Josh won’t let you get too carried away!


  2. She says:

    I am adding you to my google reader! I am excited that you guys have decided to do this, I can’t wait to keep up with you on your journey. Have fun at the Beer Festival and keep Chris safe during that weekend. I am going to miss him while he is out there.


  3. Henrik says:

    Sweet Jesus – Josh & Sunshine, I SO hope you'll find the time to make a stop in Copenhagen.
    There's plenty of good ratebeer folks around to take good care of you and show you all things beery.
    You're welcome to crash at my small apartment for a few nights.


  4. Joe says:

    I am very jealous, but I will be following your travels closely (and hopefully taking notes for a future, similar trip of my own). Have a great time guys… it sounds like the adventure of a lifetime.


  5. Bloody hell. What a trip. Guess we will meet up in Buggenhout then. Se you soon.


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